My Babies

My Babies
"For success in science and art a dash of autism is essential." --Hans Asperger

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Haircuts, Tae Kwan do, and the Maccabeats

Well, we started the day off with a totally "fun" haircut for my eldest little guy.  You see usually we go over to Grandma's house and Grandpa holds him while Grandma buzzes his hair off.  We cut it as short as possible so we don't need to do it often.  He has hated haircuts hmmm well his whole life.  Well the past few times he handled them pretty well, so since Grandma is busy this week and with Christmas fast approaching, I talked him into letting me do it this time.  Well talk about flashbacks.  We had a screaming meltdown with him insisting that the hair falling on him hurts and spitting all over my floor because he got some hair in his face.  He was also clawing at his neck and arms to the point where daddy had to hold his arms down while I finished.  And I am sure I missed a few spots.  Um yeah, autism and haircuts are just NOT a good mix.  But we survived and his hair doesn't look too bad lol.  

Another recent thing is that my eldest was taking is taking Tae Kwon Do through the YMCA.  Well, he a couple of weeks ago started refusing to go and we couldn't figure out why.  It is starting to come out that he is having some sensory issues with it.  One thing he brought up today was not liking the uniform  which makes sense since we had only had it a week when he quit wanting to go.  So now I need to figure out if I can find a more sensory friendly martial arts uniform.  I am sure there are probably other sensory issues at play that he is unable to express but I am trying to talk him into giving it another try and maybe brainstorming with his instructor some.

Now you are probably wondering about the Maccabeats being in my title.  Well my littlest guy is obsessed with the video "Candlelight" by the Maccabeats.  To the point where he watches it on the computer over and over and has a meltdown when I turn it off.  I find it quite cute but seriously that song is now stuck in my head.  But seriously my little guy is obsessed with the video and he actually makes sounds trying to sing it and anything that helps him be more verbal is really great, so I am singing it with him and bouncing around trying to get him to try to sing.  It's so awesome to see him really try to sing that I don't mind listening to it over and over and over like twenty times a day.  I guess it has been more like ten today, but still totally stuck in my head.  I tried to get him to watch a few other videos and he likes some okay, but Candlelight is by far his fav. I have found it calms a meltdown within seconds which is awesome. 

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