My Babies

My Babies
"For success in science and art a dash of autism is essential." --Hans Asperger

Friday, August 12, 2011

Backyard Water Fun and Trip to the park

Since it was slightly less scorching this week, we had a week full of outside fun!  Wednesday, we sat up the wading pool and got out all the water guns and toys.  The kids and mom and dad had a blast!

 Little Guy is upset when he gets grass on his hand.

 Sneak attack with the hose!
 Princess getting everyone wet!

Then yesterday we went to the park.  It was so beautiful out, but unfortunately the kids weren't as into as I hoped.  My Princess just wanted to eat snacks for most of the time, and Little Guy was exceptionally cranky and refused to go down any slides and sat on my lap through most of it.  But it was still nice to be able to get some fresh air without suffocating from the heat.  I hope the cooler weather sticks around a while!

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