My Babies

My Babies
"For success in science and art a dash of autism is essential." --Hans Asperger

Friday, December 10, 2010

Easter Seals and new eating low

Well, today has been an interesting one.  I got a call from Easter Seals, and my little guys referral process is finally going through.  He will be receiving a comprehensive evaluation for autism sometime in the Spring or Summer of next year.  There is a waiting list unfortunately.  But they said the diagnostic scales that they use are not accurate on children under the age of 2 anyways so it should throw him into the right time-frame for that.  I have heard raving reviews from our therapists about Easter Seals so hopefully this works out for us.

The second interesting event of the day has been my little girl's new eating low.  She has SPD and has had eating problems her whole life but today was a low point for sure.  She so far today has consumed a bite of peanut butter, a couple of animal crackers and liquids.  No amount of bribing or threatening will get her to eat today.  I was lucky to get the little bit of pb in her.  She won't starve as we always have pediasure on hand for such days, but it is so frustrating to see her backslide in the eating department.  She was doing so good a few months ago.  I have to believe that she will come out of this and eat more soon, as it has happened with her before.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica, thanks for coming over to my blog earlier. I appreciate your encouragement and kind words so much.

    Best wishes with your son's evaluation coming up, sounds like quite the wait. Seems like the waiting lists just get longer and longer.

    I'm sorry your daughter had a hard day. Many prayers that tomorrow is a better day.
