My Babies

My Babies
"For success in science and art a dash of autism is essential." --Hans Asperger

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Back to the Future....I mean Blogging

I know I haven't posted in forever!! Let's just say, having a fourth kiddo was way more challenging than I anticipated. Especially since he ended up having some special issues of his own. Mostly sensory issues and a speech delay. All this means I am now homeschooling four kiddos with special needs! Crazy cannot even cut it when describing our household anymore. I have to say we have switched curriculums more times than I can count. We are relaxed homeschoolers. We like to get our core curriculum finished in just a couple of hours so we can move on to just being creative and having fun. Of course when we have meltdowns or trouble focussing, sometimes the whole curriculum goes out the window for the day anyway.  

Anhow, what has brought me back to blogger is my kids of course. The older two, my eldest son who is 11 and my daughter who is 9, have expressed interest in Blogging. They also want YouTube accounts, but one thing at a time here. I set them up accounts and we are doing a private school blog just with each other. They are so excited and have both made their first entries. Of course their "own" accounts are just accounts under my name and closely monitored, but it should be a learning experience for all of us.

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