My Babies

My Babies
"For success in science and art a dash of autism is essential." --Hans Asperger

Saturday, August 6, 2011

First day of School 2011!!

We are at the end of week two of school and all is going well but it occured to me that I never did make my first day of school post.  We kinda had a mini-party for our first day of school.  We started the day off by going swimming at the Y for our first P.E. session which of course the kids loved, and then we had our "party" in the afternoon.  Pretty much we just had party blowers, new puzzles and sugary snacks which doesn't sound like much but they loved it and had a blast.  Overall I think it was a simple yet fun start to the school year.
 Sitting on the new school table.  No he's not wearing his wet swim trunks, lol.  Those are 
actually shorts and don't ask me why he wanted to go shirtless that day.  I also have no clue 
why my princess is wearing her spiderman knee pads during the party!

 My Princess with party blowers.  You can see our workbox system in the background.

 More blowers!  They love those things!

 Fun new princess puzzle!

 Little guy played with dinosaurs and animals with me while the older two did puzzles

 Dad helping my eldest with his New Star Wars puzzle.  It was a lot harder than we anticipated.

 Little guy making his Giraffe attack me, apparently he thinks they are ferocious animals!

 Little guy trying to take all the credit for the puzzle my Princess put together.

Finally finished!

We had a good day, we have been at it for two weeks since and all is well.  I highly recommend Horizons Math by Alpha Omega Publishing!  So far it is the best math program we have used yet.  I am still forming my opinion on Lifepacs from the same publisher, but so far we are enjoying them.  They seem to really focus on vocabulary which kinda takes away from the flow when it comes to reading out loud for the science and social studies, but so far that doesn't bother me too much.  We'll see how it all goes.


  1. She's wearing knee pads cause it was a rough party. : )

    ♥ Grandma

  2. Yah all those hazardous puzzle pieces! haha
