Well, Monday we sat up the Christmas tree and decorated. To be honest, while our pictures made it look all fluffy and wonderful, the day was pretty chaotic. Whenever we set up the tree, I like to dress the kids up, do their hair and try to get lots of good Christmas pictures. So I got them all up and started that process. My husband had worked third shift the night before, so I let him sleep in a bit. By the time he was up and around and we got started, my littlest guy was starting to get cranky. We had a horrible time trying to get all three of my kids in a picture without one of the three of them in tears. Here's one of just him before he got cranky, I should have gotten all three over there at that time, cuz this one turned out so cutie cute!
And here's the other two who were being very photogenic without little guy!
We finally succeeded by giving them pepermint sticks which fit with the Christmas theme anyways.
Then we started setting up the tree which threw little guy off even more. Ya see, he hates change, so I had to hold him the whole time my husband and my eldest son put the tree together. Then I decided to break out the gingerbread people to keep him happy. Peperidge Farms ginger bread people collection are dairy free FYI. After the tree was all in place, little guy calmed down and decided to check out some of the stuff.

He LOVED the tinkerbell musical snowglobe that we had bought my daughter when she was about that age. Too bad she still loves it too so that caused a few issues. Also, we had issues with the lights on the tree that took FOREVER to resolve, so I ended up putting little guy to bed anyways. The other kids, and my neice that I baby sit put up the mini-try on the stage while we were waiting on the big one to be ready. They loved that, because they got to do pretty much everything by themselves for that one including putting on the ornaments that they made out of craft foam last year.
The other kids had a great time decorating, and when little guy woke up, I let him put on a couple of ornaments I had saved for him.
Overall as crazy as it was, we all had fun in the end and I actually got some decent pictures in the whole mix of it. The kids topped the day off with some classic Christmas cartoons on netflix instant play and I think everyone had a good time.