My Babies

My Babies
"For success in science and art a dash of autism is essential." --Hans Asperger

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First field Trip of the year, clean mud update

Well, last week was super nice weather at least early in the week, so we spent some time outside in the pool.  We kinda slacked on school a tad, so we could spend more time outside for a couple of days.  They still got plenty of work done though.

Then last Friday we decide to dig out our semi-forgotten tub of clean mud since we had a cousin over and needed something extra special fun to do!  An entire week after we made it, it was still very fresh!  All we had to do was add a glass of water to make it more squishy again and the boys of course had a blast.  My two very sensitive ones weren't interested in having another go at it, but Little Guy at least watched this time instead of hiding under the table!  :)

Today, we had speech therapy an hour away for Little Guy, so we thought why not throw in a field trip with it to make it double worth the gas money.  We hit the Putnam Museum and had a blast!  Unfortunately my camera lost it's charge shortly after getting there.  I should be getting more pics that my mom took since she decided to go with us.  I will have to add more later.  Anyways, we of course had a blast and the kids' cousin joined us as well.  They had added a lot of very kid friendly rooms to explore which was great.  My Princess just wanted to stay in the discovery area and play with a fawn puppet that she found in there last year.  She loves that puppet!  There was also a play submarine to explore, a treehouse, a Native American hut to play in, a play "trading post", and a play colonial house area, not to mention all the usual museum exhibits.  My eldest loves reading about and looking at all the different exhibits.  The younger two just like the more play areas for the most part but they are still learning bunches while they play.  They had a medical area set up with real equipment.  They even had an ultrasound machine and we took a peek at the new baby.  Unfortunately I didn't have a clue what I was doing and we didn't get a very good peek but we thought we saw a head and some hands.  The kids got to look at all the high-tech stuff and really liked that room too.  Then when it was time to leave we hit the gift shop.  We bought some fun science kits to try out which I am sure I will be posting about later.  Little guy bought and airplane and a ball of course (he has to buy balls everywhere if he gets to pick something), and my Princess got a fawn finger puppet that looked kind of like the big one she is in love with.  :)

I promised more pics!  Here's what my mom took.  Next time I will be sure to charge my camera!

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