My Babies

My Babies
"For success in science and art a dash of autism is essential." --Hans Asperger

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Time4Learning Review Update

Well after using Time4Learning for most of the school year, I think we are going to move another direction next year.  I love the math and LA sections on T4L but I am less than impressed with their science and social studies, and I just can't justify the cost for only two subjects.  Also my eldest is very much a perfectionist when it comes to video games and the program correcting him on screen was a huge frustration for him.  Thus he would not sit and do the work by himself.  If he wasn't 100% sure of an answer, he would call me over for help instead of at least trying on his own.  I am thinking about using workboxes next year with some sort of curriculum.  I like the looks of Lifepacs.  I am going to try the workbox system with practice stuff over the summer to see if we like it so I will update more on that later.

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